I was playing in my lab this morning and figured I would record a demo of a new feature which is part of vSAN 6.6.1. The Performance Diagnostics feature is aimed to help those running benchmarks to optimize their benchmarks, or optimize their vSAN configuration to reach their expected goals. Note that it is a “cloud connected” feature, and in order to use this you need to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. This however is enabled by default in the latest releases of vSphere. This means that data is send up to the VMware cloud, anonymous, then analyzed and the results are send back to the Web Client. Anyway, enough said, just watch the demo.
Amitabha Banerjee says
Hi Duncan: Many thanks for recording a fabulous demo. Just one more feature: When you run a proactive benchmark, or HCI Bench, the time duration during which the benchmark was run automatically appears in the drop down for Time Range. So instead of choosing “Last 1 hour”, one could have clicked on the drop down for Time Range, and chosen the benchmark that one wished to analyze.