I was playing around with a vSAN 6.6 environment yesterday and I figured I would record a quick demo of some of the new functionality introduced. Took me a bit longer than expected, but here it is. I hope you will find it useful, a 1080p version can be viewed on youtube.
Bill Oyler says
Duncan, fantastic demo. I am looking forward to the follow-up encryption demo. I am quite impressed with how far vSAN has matured over the last several years. Thanks as always for keeping the technical details flowing!
Duncan Epping says
Dave says
Thank you thank you thank you for adding Resync Throttle control, during hardware degradation issues this was so badly needed. Hopefully no more need to tweak hidden vsish settings for throttling resync.
Edy says
I would like to know to have the featured listed in the demo and total 8 hosts (4 on each DC) how much would it cost including the 10G switches redundancy, All licenses, Supermicro boxes for 30TB usable storage?
Duncan Epping says
Can I suggest you work with a VMware partner or a VMware sales person to figure out the cost. I am not in sales and pricing will vary per region etc.
Jon Spiegel says
Why isnt the storage consumption model on the primary and secondary mirror reflecting the actual data requirements? Primary mirror for a 100GB VM should be 100 in both sites, and then a local mirror would also add to that capacity rather than just showing the erasure coding capacity required, is this a bug or by design?
duncan says
That’s a known bug. I reported it a week or two ago and will be fixed in an upcoming patch.