An update to the recently released fling vBenchmark was just posted. This update includes some fixes and a feature request which was heard often… Here is what’s new/fixed with 1.0.1:
- Added a checkbox to include or exclude vCenter license keys when submitting the data to the community repository
- The application now listens on port 443 (https), requests to port 80 will be automatically redirected to 443
- The appliance will now prompt you to change the root password at first logon
- Fixed bugs that prevented some customers from proceeding to the dashboard when they have ESX 3.x hosts in their cluster or are using vCenter credentials that did not have access to the full inventory
- vBenchmark application log is now written to the VM serial port. If you are using the VMX package, the serial port output will be redirected to a file named vBenchmark.log in the virtual machine folder. If you are importing an OVA or OVF, you need to manually add a serial port device and specify a filename.
Make sure to download the latest version of vBenchmark and try it out! If you don’t have a clue what it does, check out my introduction post here…
HI Duncan,
I was on the webcast and asked a question but I think they ran out of time. Do you know if the efficiency report that shows the CPU to VM ratio, is that really physical CPU to VM ratio or Core to VM ratio?
I don’t know Bilal…
Hi Bilal,
The density metric is total running VMs to physical CPUs (not cores). We have heard feedback regarding VMs to physical cores, and will consider it for future releases.
Thanks Mike! Adding cores would def be a nice add on IMO.
All installed and first report run. Unable to validate network connectivity… Are there any logs to look at to see where it is failing?
Nevermind, changed to different proxies that didn’t require authentication and managed to get it to work.