I think this will make you happy. VMware just released the vCloud Director virtual appliance. That means no more installing Red Hat, Oracle and vCloud Director. Just download the appliance and deploy it. On top of there is a great vCloud Cloud Director Evaluators Guide which will help you to evaluate the product.
- vCloud Director virtual appliance download (You will need to register for the eval)
- VMware vCloud Director Evaluator’s Guide
If you haven’t done anything with vCloud Director before the following articles might also be worth reading, note that these are 1.0 based articles but most of the content is still valid today.
- vCloud Director Intro
- vCloud Director Demo
- vCloud Director networking part 1, 2, 3a and 3b
- vCloud Director Allocation Models
andreas says
Yeah! Very nice! This is going into my lab this weekend, fun!
Christian van Barneveld says
I love this! One year ago I was complaining why VMware has chosen Oracle and RedHat (instead of MSSQL and a appliance based on Suse). One year later there is a Oracle alternative what will create the addition of vCD!
And now the appliance is there! Offcourse not for production, but great for test environments and PoC’s.
vCD 1.5 is running great in our production environment since september and it;s a great addition for our customers!
Next (hopefully) support for PostgreSQL database so we can drain our Microsoft environment 😉
Tim Curless says
This is on the scale of a small or POC environment only, correct? In other words you would still do a full deployment in enterprise production?
Duncan Epping says
Correct, you should do a “full install” for a production environment.
Stefan Nguyen says
The appliance has 60 days trial with key generated, but what if for those that already have NFR license, can we enter our NFR key when deploying this appliance, will it valid for long term testing without 60 days? Or it has to use the trial keys provided, i would assume it has no issues if we have valid keys right? Thanks enjoy weekend!
Stefan Nguyen says
Where do I find out the username/password for the vCD 1.5 Appliance portal? https://vcd01.domain.com/5480 screen by chance?
Justin Hensley says
This is a lifesaver. Kudos to VMware for making life easier.
Dany says
Oh man this is great,
I was struggling with getting Oracle to listen for the vCD database.
It decreases the total number of VMs and simplifies the process.
Clement DeLarge says
I did a quick write up on extending the life of the appliance. Where to change keys and update certificates. I heard that the Oracle license would expire but haven’t encountered that yet. Has anyone else?
Patrick Pender says
I cannot find the appliance on their site, just the .bin. Doesn’t anyone know where it went?
Clement DeLarge says
@Patrick: If I’m remembering correctly, if you sign up for the trial, it’ll let you download the appliance straight through links from there. I can’t remember if there’s another way to get to it or not.