A while back I wrote down all the HA advanced options. With VirtualCenter 2.5 Update 3(and the ESX patch that came with it) VMware added another extra advanced options, this is the complete list:
- das.failuredetectiontime – Amount of milliseconds, timeout time for isolation response action(with a default of 15000 milliseconds).
- das.isolationaddress[x] – IP adres the ESX hosts uses for it’s heartbeat, where [x] = 0-9. It will use the default gateway by default.
- das.usedefaultisolationaddress – Value can be true or false and needs to be set in case the default gateway, which is the default isolation address shouldn’t be used for this purpose.
- das.poweroffonisolation – Values are False or True, this is for setting the isolation response. Default a VM will be powered off.
- das.vmMemoryMinMB – Higher values will reserve more space for failovers.
- das.vmCpuMinMHz – Higher values will reserve more space for failovers.
- das.defaultfailoverhost – Value is a hostname, this host will be the primary failover host.
- das.failuredetectioninterval – Changes the heartbeat interval among HA hosts. By default, this occurs every second (1000 milliseconds).
- das.allowVmotionNetworks – Allows a NIC that is used for VMotion networks to be
- considered for VMware HA usage. This permits a host to have only one NIC configured for management and VMotion combined.
- das.allowNetwork[x] – Enables the use of port group names to control the networks used for VMware HA, where [x] = 0 – ?. You can set the value to be ʺService Console 2ʺ or ʺManagement Networkʺ to use (only) the networks associated with those port group names in the networking configuration.
- das.isolationShutdownTimeout – Shutdown time out for the isolation response “Shutdown VM”, default is 300 seconds. In other words, if a VM isn’t shutdown clean when isolation response occured it’s being powered off after 300 seconds.
- das.bypassNetCompatCheck – Disable the “compatible network” check for HA that was introducedwith Update 2. Default value is “false”, setting it to “true” disables the check.Virtual Machine Monitoring HA advanced options
- das.failureInterval = The polling interval for failures. Default value is 30.
- das.maxFailureWindows = Minimum amount of seconds between failure. Default value is 3600 seconds, if VM fails within 3600 seconds VM HA doesn’t restart the machine.
- das.maxFailures = Maximum amount of VM failures, if the amount is reached VM HA doesn’t restart the machine automatically. Default value is 3.
- das.minUptime = The minimum uptime in seconds before VM HA starts polling. The default value is 120 seconds.
David says
You mention ESX 3.5 update3 in the post, is this supposed to be Virtual centre 2.5 update 3? Or is ther a new release of ESX 3.5 on it’s way soon?
Duncan Epping says
Sorry, I wasn’t awake yet when i wrote the article. should have said VirtualCenter instead of ESX.
James Roth says
Hi Duncan, talking about advanced settings, is there one for the paste limit between VMs in the VI client? Currently it looks set to 64K.
Duncan Epping says
i will have a look if i can find anything….
Adam Baum says
is there a complete list of all the DAS settings? It looks like some of them may have changed or may be similar to existing settings. Example: You list das.failuredetectioninterval, but my VC U2 has das.failureInterval. Are these the same or different?
Duncan Epping says
Okay, I see…. the das.failureInterval is related to VM Monitoring, so HA for the Guest OS. I will add the settings today.
JOnas says
Hi Duncan
Nice work! Thank you, it’s realy helpfully