I was at the Italian VMUG last week and one of the users asked me what Virtual Volumes would look like. He wanted to know if the experience would be similar to the “VM Storage Policy” experiences he has been having with Virtual SAN. I didn’t have an environment running capable of demonstrating Virtual SAN unfortunately so I shared the following videos with him. Considering I already did a blog post on this topic almost 2 years back I figured I would also publicly share these videos. Note that these videos are demos/previews, and no statement is made when or even if this technology will ever be released.
Did I just see that right…you are testing with ESXi 6, so I am guessing the Web UI is also vCenter 6
I am not doing anything… these demoes are created by VMware’s partners.
We (HP Storage) also had a vvol demo we did: http://youtu.be/KKVui0W3NT0. Has more views than any of the other ones but that unfortunately doesn’t speak to my ability to do a demo! LOL!
SolidFire has a nice demo here too – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM1LL1IHxDE