Just a reminder, if you want your free Kindle copy of the vSphere 5.0 Clustering Deepdive or the vSphere 4.1 HA and DRS Deepdive, make sure to check Amazon (US Kindle Store) today and tomorrow (Wednesday June the 5th and Thursday June the 6th)! You can download the Kindle copy of both these books for free, yes that is correct ZERO dollars.
So make sure you pick it up either before the promo expires…
** Note I have linked the US Kindle stores, it is also available for free in local Kindle stores, just do search! **
Juan Pablo Reyes Sepúlveda says
Thank you for share this books!!!
Gene Torres says
Even if it wasn’t free, still worth paying for!
jmatthies says
I’m up in EntApps; but always looking to learn. Totally mooching this for weekend shifts.
marc crawford says
Thank you for making this available for free!
Kumaresan says
Hi Friends,
Unfortunately i missed out to download the free copy, If anyone send the the soft copy means that will be very helpful for me.
Thanks in advance All!!
Duncan Epping says
Sorry, but there is no soft copy available for free distribution outside of the promo that ended. Please respect the authors and do not illegally distribute the book!