For the last episode of 2024, I invited Deji Akomolafe to discuss running Microsoft workloads on top of VCF. I’ve known Deji for a long time, and if anyone is passionate about VMware and Microsoft technology, it is him. Deji went over the many caveats, and best practices when it comes to running for instance SQL on top of VMware VCF (or vSphere for that matter). NUMA, CPU Scheduling, latency sensitive settings, power settings, virtual disk controllers, just some of the things you can expect in this episode. You can listen to the episode on Spotify, Apple, or via the embedded player below.
unexplored territory
Unexplored Territory Podcast Episode 067 – Introducing Rubrik!
Unexplored Territory Episode 065 – Jatin Purohit discussing Oracle Cloud VMware Solution
For episode 065 of the Unexplored Territory Podcast I invited Jatin Purohit to discuss Oracle Cloud VMware Solution, and what was introduced since we had Richard Garsthagen on as a guest. Jatin went over all the details, and shared some great use cases with us. Make sure to listen to the episode via your favorite podcast app, or the embedded player below. We are now starting to plan for the upcoming episodes, if you want to be a guest and have an interesting story, or solution, to share, then do not hesitate to reach out.
Unexplored Territory #010: Terraform and declarative automation with Kyle Ruddy
In episode #010 of the Unexplored Territory Podcast we talk to Kyle Ruddy, Tech Marketing guru at Hashicorp. Kyle explains how Hashicorp got started, what the difference is between imperative and declarative automation, and why Terraform (and other Hashicorp products/services) should be included in every multi-cloud architecture. Listen now via Apple (, Spotify (, any other podcast app of your choice, or simply use the embedded player below!
Unexplored Territory #006: Event-driven automation (VEBA) with William Lam!
In this sixth episode, we talk to William Lam, Senior Staff Architect in the Cloud Infrastructure Business Group at VMware about event-driven automation. William explains what event-driven automation is, how customers are using it today, and why you should also consider trying out the VMware Event Broker Appliance! ( Enjoy the episode, and if you haven’t done so yet, make sure to subscribe! You can also listen via your podcast apps of course for Apple: Spotify: Google: