This tool doesn’t need an introduction anymore. One of the most valuable free tools I know… RVTools. Rob found some spare time again and managed to update RVTools. It includes some bug fixes and new fields. Just download it and try it out, I am certain it will dig up something that you did not know about! Keep it up Rob,
Version 2.9.5 (September, 2010)
- On vInfo tab new field: Guest heartbeat status. The heartbeat status is classified as: gray – VMware Tools are not installed or not running, red – no heartbeat, guest operating system may have stopped responding. yellow -intermittent heartbeat, may be due to guest load. green – guest operating system is responding normally
- On vMemory tab new fields: Ballooned memory, consumed overhead memory, private memory, shared memory, swapped memory and static memory entitlement
- On vDatastore tab new field: Full device address (controller, target, device)
- On vInfo tab new fields: Commited storage, uncommited storage and unshared storage
- Bug fix! A semicolon in the annotations fields are no longer a problem for the export functions
- Bug fix! Health check “Zombie vmdk” problems solved
- Bug fix! Health check “inconsistent foldername” problems solved
- Bug fix! On vport tab the column “notify switch” value solved
- Bug fix! Sort problem on vNic tab on column “speed” solved