I have had this issue with OneDrive for days where it said it is syncing a file but not making any progress whatsoever. I tried all kinds of different solutions people have recommended, from remove the OneDrive app to killing the agent to deleting the .plist file. Nothing helped solve the problem. Unfortunately on OSX you can’t see which file is stuck either, so it is very difficult to troubleshoot. I managed to solve it as following in the end:
Go to “Resources” under your OneDrive app folder, for me this was:
cd /Applications/OneDrive.app/Contents/Resources
Then run the following command, not this may (will) trigger a resync, which is annoying, but did solve the sync issue:
If this doesn’t solve it, it could also be that there’s a hidden file called “.DS_Store” in the folder which is not syncing. Simply look at Finder and find the folders which are not syncing, use the Terminal to go to each folder, and look for the file “.DS_Store” by using “ls -a” (I always use “ls -lah” by default). It hopefully shows a list of files with that hidden file included. If that is the case, simply delete the file using “rm” and then restart the OneDrive agent.
I hope that helps others who hit the same issue.
Thank you for this… I’ve been forced at virtual gunpoint to use OneDrive on my Mac for work and this has been a problem for weeks.
Thank you Duncan! That solved the problem my onedrive forever syncing in my mac.