Internally someone just bumped into an issue where a single host in a cluster wasn’t storing any of the created vSAN Components / Objects. It was to the point where every single host in the cluster was close to the maximum of 9000 components, but that one host had 0 components. After some quick back and forth the following message stood out in the UI:
vSAN node decommission state
What does this mean? Well basically it means that from a vSAN stance this host is in maintenance mode. For whatever reason, the host itself from a hypervisor stance was not in maintenance mode, which means that the two were not in sync. This can simply be resolved by SSH’ing into the respective host and running the following command:
localcli vsan maintenancemode cancel
One thing to consider of course is to trigger a rebalance of the cluster after taking the host out of the decommissioned state when the environment is 6.7 U2 or lower, as that would result in a more equally balanced environment. Starting with 6.7 U3 this process is initiated automatically, when configured. There is a KB that describes how to trigger, and/or configure, to be found here.