We just managed to link the paper and electronic version of the Clustering Deep Dive. This means that if you buy the paper book today, you can get the e-book at a discount. This was something a lot of you have asked for, so we pushed it through. Unfortunately, it did mean we had to re-upload the book to a different back-end system and “history” is lost, so those who already bought the paper version of the book, unfortunately, can’t get the same deal. If you are interested in getting both versions, go here. Or click below on the book, or one of the other books I recommend reading 🙂
Hey Duncan,
Sorry, but the link for Amazon doesn’t provide a way to get a discount for the ebook … or Am I missing something ?
Did you buy the paper copy with ISBN 978-1719827461?
Checked Amazon link several times since this was posted and can’t seem to find a way to get the discounted e-book.
Have you bought the paper copy with ISBN 978-1719827461?
I have not. I was wanted to make sure I can get the discounted e-book before I pulled the trigger on the purchase
So are you saying after we purchase the paper copy we’ll get an opportunity or discount code to purchases the e-book for $2.95?
According to Amazon that should be the case. I have no way of validating it from here however. When you buy it the price of the ebook should drop.
That did it!
Once I purchased the printed book there was a link on the “Thank you, your order has been placed.” page to purchase the “Kindle Matchbook” for $2.99.