Joe Baguley pointed me to something cool this week. An intern team in the UK has joined the Million Makers entrepreneurial fundraising challenge and will be selling cool shirts at VMworld of which proceeds will go to the Prince’s Trust.
The Prince’s Trust is a charity in the United Kingdom founded in 1976 by Charles, Prince of Wales to help young people aged 13 to 30 get into jobs, education and training. Many of the young people they help are in, or leaving, care, facing issues such as homelessness or mental health problems, or have been in trouble with the law. Their free programmes give young people the practical and financial support they need to stabilise their lives.
About the challenge, the Million Makers is an entrepreneurial fundraising challenge set by the trust which sees teams of employees from companies across the UK competing to raise at least £10,000 or more over a period of six months. The competition is a learning and development tool proven to build essential business skills and motivate your employees. Teams are invited to pitch their business plan in a Dragons’ Den-style panel of senior business leaders. Presentation skills are put to the test in order to secure £1,500 seed funding from The Prince’s Trust (this has already been secured).
How can you help? Below is the design of the shirt that will be sold through the VMworld store. The cost is going to be 20 Euro and there will only be 120 available at VMworld, so make sure you get one on day 1 as I suspect these will sell out fast, this is how you can GiveBack! I’ve been told that they will also be made available somehow online soon, so for those who are not going to VMworld there will be an option soon to buy one, I will let you folks know where I hear how/where/what. For now, make a mental note and pick one up!
May not be at the Show but sign me up when the online store goes live.
This is nice one , and I am really interested