VMworld is around the corner so I wanted to get this out today, mainly as it will give you something to read during a long flight, plus I am certain that there will be plenty of news next week and the week after. For those not going to VMworld I will try to share as much as I can through twitter, so follow me on there if you are not yet.
- Tech Companies Abuse NPS And Hope Customers Don’t Notice by Justin Warren
Great article about NPS scores and what they are worth / what they are about and how much you should really care. It seems to be one of those metrics that keeps popping up over and over again and I agree it has been abused a lot lately. Good to see Justin stepping up and breaking it down for us, thanks! - Oracle, I’m sad about you, disappointed in you, and frustrated with you by Chad Sakac
I think almost everyone will agree with the sentiment of this post. The situation around Oracle licensing in a virtualized world (non-Oracle virt solutions) has been sad for years. I fully agree with Chad, enough is enough, yet I somehow have the feeling Oracle doesn’t care and I cannot see anything changing anytime soon. But who knows, maybe Larry will surprise us. - Intel overhyping flash-killer XPoint? Shocked, we’re totally shocked by The Register
This one is pretty interesting. I have seen various sessions by Intel as well on 3D XPoint flash, the funny thing is that the first couple of sessions they spoke about 1000x and in later sessions that was 10x. The Flash Summit by Micron apparently emphasized this. The media latency is low, the interface however is still relatively high, also explained by Intel at Storage Field Day in this video. So not really a shocker, there’s still a lot of benefit to 3D XPoint, 10x faster is not bad, and knowing the changes coming in the software stack I can ensure you that the latency will go down.- Look at these 6 new devices by Intel…
- And price wise > What about NVMe 3D NAND for 0.50 USD per GB?
- HCIBench new Home
Not a blog, but a new home for HCIBench, now available through the Flings program. So if you want to do some benchmarking, you now know where to go. - NUMA Deep Dive Part 5: ESXi VMkernel NUMA Constructs by Frank Denneman
By now his blog should be bookmarked and you should be regularly checking it to see if a new part has been published. Well if not, here it is… Part 5 of the NUMA Deep Dive series! I am going to read this one during my long flight tomorrow to Las Vegas!
Fletcher Cocquyt says
Need the the YB podcast ! – Frank and Ducan riffing on the best and excellent implementations – vexpert2016
Pedro Arrow says
Love it! Happy to host this as a regular series on the vSpeaking Poscast!!
Javier Galvez says
Completely agree with the part of Oracle, I suffered this problem for many years in the past, fortunately many of my customers decline to virtualize Oracle due to these kind of problems. Bad strategy by Oracle
Rob says
My experience with Oracle is very bad. My company acquires about 2 companies a year and 50% run Oracle. And every single Oracle License Rep says something different about virtualizing Oracle on VMware. None are on the same page, and even change there position frequently. I knew of House of Brick due to sessions at VMworld, but this year we might use them. Thanks for this great article, sending to all my Oracle team/managers.