Last week I presented at the UK VMUG, Nordic VMUG and VMUG Belgium. My topic was vSphere futures… I figured I would share the deck publicly. The deck is based on this blog post and essentially is a collection of what has been revealed at last VMworld. Considering the number of announcements I am guessing that this deck is a nice summary of what is coming, feel free to use it / share it / comment etc.
Once again, I would like to thank the folks of the VMUG organizations throughout EMEA for inviting me, three great events last week with very passionate people. One thing I want to call out in particular that struck me last week: Erik from the VMUG in Belgium has created this charity program where he asks sponsors (and attendees) to contribute to charity. Last event he collected over 8000 euros which went to a local charity, it was the biggest donation that this particular charity received in a long time and you can imagine they were very thankful… all of this while keeping the event free for attendees, great work Erik! Thanks for giving back to the community in various ways.
See you next time.
JC Obermeier says
Hi Duncan,
I left this comment on LinkedIn as well, but I find linked in somewhat confusing for comments and think, I ended up commenting on your own like of your original post…
Anyways, I hope you do not mind the SPAM – here is my reply:
First of all thanks for sharing theses slides which I find very useful.
I have a question/comment for the “Content Library” slide (slide 36): Is this “Real Versioning” (as in one can revert back and forth between versions) or rather “Numbering” (basically a counter for syncing purposes – the way it is implemented in vCD 5.5 where it is also misleadingly called versioning, IMHO)?
If it is not “Real Versioning”, then I would suggest that VMware reconsiders the term it uses for this feature in its products to avoid misunderstandings.
This is, of course, just my humble opinion.
Duncan Epping says
Not sure if I can comment on that …
Ryan Malayter says
Big blank spot in middle of post on iOS 8.1 devices. Was it a slideshare or something? If so, how about a PDF (or better yet HTML+SVG) instead? Slideshare/speaker deck are pointless to begin with, and basically unusable from a mobile device.
Duncan Epping says
Yes it is based on slideshare. If you prefer a mobile version then this blog post has all the info that is in the deck as well:
Frank Denneman says
And while you at it, throw in a back massage as well
Ryan Malayter says
I certainly wasn’t trying to bag on Duncan for the manner in which he provides the world much valuable, free content.
I mainly wanted to alert Duncan that something on his otherwise very professional and mobile-friendly site appeared busted.
My irritated tone was misdirected frustration at the complete and utter brokenness of Slideshare and their ilk on all non-desktop devices I own.
People use such sites frequently, but I guess just don’t understand the value proposition.
1) Log into a separate site
2) uploading your file
3) wait for it to be transformed from a clean vector-based deck into a mess of a UI with fuzzy JPEGs.
4) get link or embed code and paste back into own site
5) lose control of your own content
How is that easier or better than
1) save deck as PDF or HTML
2) upload to own site
3) link to own site (likely automatic depending on CMS in use)
I assume I am missing something given the popularity of SlideShare and SpeakerDeck.,,
Duncan Epping says
Problem is the size of the deck and the cost associated with hosting it myself at the risk of it being downloaded a million times. No harm done. I never used slideshare, and I noticed more and more folks started to use it so I figured I would give it a try as well.
Brian says
Slide 34 says how the Windows vCenter and vCSA are now equal. Does this also include some sort of Update Manager for vCSA that doesn’t include a separate Windows VM? Will there be a better way to backup the vCSA databases?
Duncan Epping says
1) VUM is not available for Linux (yet)
2) Not that I know.