Part 8 already of the Startup News Flash. It is just a short one, not too many new things but some worth mentioning in my opinion.
Infinio just announced Infinio Accelerator 1.0. I wrote about what Infinio is and does in this article, in short: Infinio has developed a virtual appliance that sits in between your virtual machine storage traffic and your NFS datastore. The Infinio virtual appliance enhances storage performance by caching IO. Their primary use case is to do caching in memory. Infinio’s primary marketing message is: “100% software only – No new hardware, no reboots, no downtime”. It will accelerate any workload type running on NFS and is available for a shockingly (if you ask me) low price of 499, and they offer a free 30-day trial.
Recently a new startup was revealed named Coho Data, formerly known as I wrote an introduction about them a couple of weeks ago which I suggest reading to get a better understanding of what Coho is or does. In short: Coho Data built a scale-out hybrid storage solution (NFS for VM workloads). With hybrid meaning a mix of SATA and SSD. This for obvious reasons, SATA bringing you capacity and flash providing you raw performance. Today I read an article about a new round of funding, 25 Million lead by Andreesseen Horowitz. Yes, that is no pocket change indeed. Hopefully this new round of funding will allow Coho to bring things to the next level! Congratulations…
Just a short one this round, hopefully more news next time… I would suspect so as Storage Field Day 4 is scheduled the week of the 13th.