A long long time ago Vaughn Stewart reached out to me and asked me if I wanted to write a foreword for his book. When Vaughn told me the topic I knew this was going to be a hit! For several reasons it took a while for the book to be released but now it finally is available. Vaughn and Michael Slisinger did an excellent job and I would recommend everyone who is interested in storage / virtualization / cloud to pick it up. I love the fact they went the self-publishing route and decided to make it available for $ 19.95 (print) and just $ 9.99 (location dependent pricing, so may vary) for the ebook! I would recommend everyone to pick up the ebook though, GO VIRTUAL!
I want to thank Mike and Vaughn for the opportunity to write the foreword, and congrats on the release… I hope you will sell millions.
Storage is a foundational component in the support of virtualization and cloud computing – and it is dynamically evolving. It is an aspect of the datacenter that is all-too-often overlooked, but without storage, there is no data, and without data, there is no cloud. Virtualization Changes Everything, by Vaughn Stewart and Mike Slisinger, examines the evolutionary influence of host virtualization and cloud computing in breaking storage deployment out of outdated silo models and into a dynamic, flexible hosting environment. Virtualization Changes Everything reviews common goals and challenges associated with providing storage service with cloud computing, and addresses each through the application of advanced storage technologies designed to scale in order to support the ever-expanding storage needs of the future. The examples within the book are pulled from real-world experience, and often involve the integration of multiple innovative technologies. If you are looking for measured guidance on high availability, efficiency, integration and performance for the storage in your cloud, then this book is for you!
hola says
Cool looks good – or we can wait for a month and download the pdf version for free thanks to some irish or russian websites 😉
Duncan Epping (@DuncanYB) says
Or you could just support and appreciate the effort the authors put in…
hola says
I agree, thats why I bought your ESXi 5.1 deep dive clustering book – might just be my first vmware deep dive book. 🙂
Vaughn Stewart says
Thank you for your contributions to the book – it was an honor to have your support.
We feel that VMware has revolutionized workflows and delivery of application services by reinventing how computer resources were consumed and accessed, and we wanted to expand that conversation into storage. It seems the role of storage is often overlooked in cloud deployments.
Anyone interested in the book, it can be found on Amazon http://amzn.to/P5e2cn or Barnes-n-Nobel http://bit.ly/NKHUzs
Again, thank you for the support. I’ll see you soon!
JJ says
Just got the Kindle version – thanks for spreading the word about this!
Dragan says
Nice book. Thanx 007