2011 was a great year for me from a career / blogging perspective. I moved over from the delivery side (PSO/Cloud Practice) to the “marketing” side. I used quotes as it is technical marketing and our focus is technical enablement. I was a speaker at both VMworld Las Vegas and VMworld Copenhagen. Of course the publication of our new book, vSphere 5 Clustering Technical Deepdive. Especially during VMworld Las Vegas the book was a hot topic. It seemed that everyone wanted to either buy it or get it signed… Crazy times. Nice fact about the book is that the e-book is outselling the paper version currently, I guess the price might have something to do with it!
2012 is going to be crazy as well, Partner Exchange in February and of course VMworld in San Francisco and in Barcelona. On top of that I will be working on a lot of collateral around Cloud Infrastructure integration. All in all it was a great year and there’s a lot of cool stuff already planned for 2012! Before I sign off for a couple of days, I wanted to share a couple of cool facts with you:
- 40% Traffic growth compared to 2010
- Busiest Day: July 13th 2011 – 12,089 unique views
- Busiest Month: September 2011 – 185,345 unique views
- Top 3 articles:
- Top 3 referrers (left google (1) / twitter (2) out):
- communities.vmware.com (thanks everyone for linking!)
- Techrepublic.com
- vlp.vsphere-land.com
- Top 3 outbound clicks:
- Jetpack 2011 Yellow-Bricks fact: “Most visitors came from The United States. The United Kingdom & Germany were not far behind.”
- Jetpack 2011 Yellow-Bricks fact: “Some visitors came searching, mostly for yellow bricks, esxtop, alua, yellowbricks, and high availability.”
Once again, thank you for participating in the discussions. Thank you for email me your ideas / thoughts. Lets make 2012 at least as successful!
Congratulations on all your success, Duncan!
Great working with you in 2011 Duncan. I’m looking forward to working with you on even more cool VMware products and features in 2012.