Lately I’ve been receiving so many emails/dm’s/pm’s about how to prepare for the Enterprise Exam(VCDX) that I decided to actually write an article as I did not have one yet.
As a start I would like to recommend the Deploy, Secure and Analyze course. The course covers 99% of the exam. If you don’t have the budget you could also use the following material to prepare:
- Enterprise Exam Study Guide
- VI3 Reference Card
- ESXCFG Commands
- VMbook – Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
- Performance Characterization of VMFS and RDM Using a SAN
- Setup for Microsoft Clustering
- DRS Performance and Best Practices
- VMware Consolidated Backup Best Practices Guidelines and Considerations
- Virtual Machine Backup Guide
- VI3 Security Hardening
- Resource Management Guide
- SAN System Design and Deployment Guide
- Fibre Channel SAN Configuration Guide
- ESX Server Configuration Guide
- Configuring and Troubleshooting N-Port ID Virtualization
- How NPIV-Based LUN Access Works
- Requirements for using NPIV
Besides these links my tip would be: Just do it!
ps: if someone has additional docs/links they would like to have added, leave a comment and I will add them to the list.
Scott Vessey says
Hi Duncan,
I’ve got a variety of VCDX resources on my blog too:
Cliff Jeffcoat says
Good stuff! Thank you for the links.
Shane Williford says
Hey Duncan,
Is there any actual books for VCDX/VCAP? I didn’t think there was, but thought you may know for sure.
Duncan Epping says
No there are no VCDX/VCAP books, I would however recommend:
– Scott Lowe’s – Mastering vSphere 4
– our own HA/DRS Deepdive
– vSphere Design Book as it explains some fundamental concepts