It seems that Event Season has lifted off, and the virtual roadshow has really started. I can’t remember a point in time where I had this many events scheduled in a few months. Actually, I think I have more events scheduled in the upcoming 3 months than I had in the previous 12. I guess the whole Corona situation has made people realize that we don’t necessarily need to be in a single room together to share knowledge and discuss interesting situations, architectures, and/or problems. Considering I have many different events planned, I figured I would share the links where you can register for these. If you are a VMUG leader and are interested in hosting a virtual event, feel free to drop me (or Frank Denneman / Cormac Hogan) a note, and we can see how we can fit it in our schedule.
- June 4th – VMUG Romania – VMware Platform for a New Decade with Frank Denneman, Cormac Hogan and Duncan Epping
- June 23rd – VMware vSAN 7.0 what’s new Webinar by Duncan Epping
- June 25th – VMUG Scotland / Ireland – VMware Platform for a New Decade with Frank Denneman, Cormac Hogan and Duncan Epping
- June 30th – VMUG Germany – VMware Platform for a New Decade with Frank Denneman, Cormac Hogan and Duncan Epping
- July 2nd – VMUG England – VMware Platform for a New Decade with Frank Denneman, Cormac Hogan and Duncan Epping
- July 7th – VMware vSAN File Services and Cloud Native Workloads with Cormac Hogan and Duncan Epping
- September 9th – VMUG Southern Virginia – with Frank Denneman, Cormac Hogan and Duncan Epping
- September 17th – VMUG Nordics (Denmark / Norway / Sweden) – VMware Platform for a New Decade with Frank Denneman, Cormac Hogan and Duncan Epping
- October 6th – VMUG New York Keynote – Duncan Epping
- December 10th – VMUG Portland Keynote – Duncan Epping
These are the “public” virtual events that are planned right now in a virtual format. There are a few more events that I will be presenting at, but these are mostly invite-only events for VMware TAM customers. Of course, we are also working with various other VMUGs that had events scheduled to see how we can turn it into a successful virtual event, so the above list will be updated in the near future probably.
If you are a member of any of the above VMUG chapters, make sure to register, and I hope to see you at one of those events.